Putting the right reward strategy in place that is relevant to your organisation and to the people you want to recruit, retain and motivate is a critical lever for success. If your reward strategy does not align with your organisational values or people feel it is unfair – they will notice and eventually will leave or withhold their discretionary effort. For many organisations, pay is also their biggest cost.

So, while reward may not be the first thing you think about as you look to the future, it should be high up on the list.

At the request of our clients, we have re-entered the reward ‘space’ because people are telling us that they have limited choice of experienced providers whereas we have a small army of highly experienced people who are very capable and willing to help.

What we do:

  • We start with understanding your sector and your organisation – what is your ambition, what is holding you back? We ask lots of questions about what is important to you and how do you want to develop – what are the critical accountabilities and behaviours you need for the future?
  • We work with your most important stakeholders and senior leaders to develop the key design principles that will underpin your approach to reward and then we take these principles, and work with your internal team to shape them into a compelling reward strategy
  • We help you to think through how reward and performance are linked for your organisation and what the performance process should look like
  • Next, we help you to design the details including the pay and grade structure, performance management processes and costings
  • And finally, we help you to implement – including supporting you with job analysis and job evaluation where required


What you get:

  • A clear, aligned and fit for purpose reward strategy that makes sense to people
  • Robust processes for pay management including job evaluation support
  • Access to expertise in pay benchmarking, pay modelling and cost analysis
  • The latest thinking and expertise on the links between pay and performance and how to implement in ways that support not get in the way of performance improvement

Supporting Case Study